March 3, 2022

Carbert Waite LLP is proud to share that our firm is a participating member in The Law Society of Alberta’s Articling Placement Program. This program assists articling students that are in unsafe situations due to harassment or discrimination and places them into a new articling position.
“Articling students have the right to be free from harassing and discriminatory behaviour and have the right to report their circumstances without fear of reprisal or negative impacts. While coming forward about these issues will always be difficult, the program is intended to reassure articling students that reporting their issues will not lead to the loss of articles. The program’s default position is that articling students’ experiences are believed.”
The Law Society of Alberta
We stand with the Law Society’s belief that all articling students should feel safe and supported in their position, and we’re proud to be participating in this program.
“Our firm has a large employment law practice. Every day our employment lawyers work to educate employers and employees on laws meant to ensure workplaces are safe and workers are free from discrimination and harassment in all its forms. As lawyers, we promise to uphold the law. That promise includes laws relating to workplace harassment. We fervently wish there was no need for a program like this in our profession but understand the reality that discrimination and harassment persist in many workplaces, including law firms and legal departments. We welcome the opportunity to provide a safe environment for articling students experiencing discrimination and harassment to complete their qualifications.”
Roxanne Davis
To learn more about the program please visit the Law Society of Alberta’s website. If you are an articling student that believes they would qualify for the Articling Placement Program, you are able to find more details about who to contact at the link above.