July 4, 2017

Carbert Waite LLP Sponsors Great Bar Band Battle in Support of Access to Justice
Carbert Waite LLP is a proud supporter of the Great Bar Band Battle in support of Access to Justice.
This year’s event was a great success! Over 500 tickets were sold and thanks to the remarkable involvement and support from the Calgary Bar Association and many other sponsors, Carbert Waite LLP included, they raised over $24,000 in donations for Student Legal Assistance. This is almost $10,000 more than last year’s donation to CLG.
The money raised will assist SLA in hiring an additional law student caseworker for the 2018 summer law clinic. Each summer student caries an average of 35 files, so the money raised will directly assist numerous low-income Calgarians in need of legal help.
Thanks to everyone for their support.